Buwakan ni Alejandra

Buwakan ni Alejandra

Located at about 33 kilometers from the city, the charismatic garden is enticing tourists and visitors to conquer the long travel just to witness its glamour.   The name “Buwakan ni Alejandra” (Alejandra’s Flower Garden) was derived from the Visayan word “buwakan” which means “flower garden” and "Alejandra" is the mother of the owners. The name was given in honor of Alejandra’s love for flowers. The flower garden covers an area of 3,000 square meters and expansion is still ongoing. There are over 200 varieties of local plants found in the garden and there will be more in the future. Different kinds of fascinating flowers with vibrant colors embellish the garden and that is what makes it attractive. Among the flowers that can be found in the garden are roses, dahlias, wax begonias, hibiscus,sages, and cleome or spider flowers.   The garden is open everyday from 7:00 am until 6:00 pm. A minimal fee of Php75.00 for adults and Php50.00 for children below 10 years old and PHp50.00 for senior citizen and PWD, children 5 below are free.


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